AlphaDogs Inc. announced that Norsemen Television Productions LLC and The Learning Channel (TLC) contracted the studio to online Bringing Home Baby, a reality series that documents parents' first 36 hours at home with their new baby.
Bringing Home Baby requires multiple work stations for media capture, online color correction and total conform from Avid® offlined shows. To streamline the video online process, AlphaDogs opted to use a shared storage solution to stay on schedule and within budget for the 60 episode series.
The post-house draws on the advanced storage solutions of TerraBlock™ from Facilis. TerraBlock is a virtual-volume, high-performance SAN solution that combines intelligent drive management software with lower-cost SATA drive technology and dedicated optical fiber channel connectivity.
AlphaDogs uses TerraBlock because of its cross platform compatibility with Apple and PCs and its raid protection for mission critical media. In addition, all users can have access to common elements such as graphics and series specific effects bins by setting up a simple file/volume structure. It is possible to simultaneously online one episode while another episode is being captured and prepped.
Even with AlphaDogs' Fibre patch bay moving content between local storage drives, it takes approximately 15 minutes for transfer. Multiply 15 minutes by the number of times per day media needs to be shared and the cost in man and machine hours adds up quickly, not to mention downing two rooms for 15 minutes to swap media cuts into productive editing time.
The Bringing Home Baby type of workflow would not be practical in a local storage environment where it is necessary to power down computers and drives in order to move media between different systems.
About AlphaDogs
Founded in 2002, Burbank-based AlphaDogs, Inc. quickly established themselves as leaders and innovators in the rapidly changing digital post arena. The company maintains an early adopters edge; testing and assimilating leading technologies to keep ahead of the pack with solutions such as the RED camera and were the first post house in Los Angeles to take delivery of the Avid Symphony HD editing system. Personal attention from a seasoned award-winning team assures client satisfaction accompanies each cost-effective delivery of superior post production services—from editing and audio re-recording to broadcast design & effects.
AlphaDogs is home to the popular Editors' Lounge and headquarters of the growing media transfer specialty service Digital Service Station; now serving California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois and Ohio. AlphaDogs is located at 1612 West Olive, Suite 200, Burbank, CA 91506.
Visit the AlphaDogs team on the web: www.alphadogs.tv.